Philosophy Week
Last week students were encouraged to "think like a philosopher" as they took part in our first Philosophy Week.
Tutors introduced the idea of philosophy in tutor time on Monday, starting off with a discussion about what philosophy is. Throughout the rest of the week tutors and teachers included some interesting questions in registrations times and lessons: Can kindness change the world? What is the difference between kids and grown ups? Are the best things in life free?
On Tuesday or Wednesday in their year-group assemblies, students were invited by Mrs Cox and Mr Newman to consider "What makes a 'good life'? They explored this further with their tutors later on in the week.
Finally, we took a break from the regular RE curriculum, with lessons on Christianity or Hinduism giving way to more philosophical questions surrounding the existence of a soul and why we disagree.
Thank you to all the students who entered into the spirit of the week with great positivity and enthusiasm.