HSL achieves the Eco-Schools Green Flag!
Today Miss Kennedy received the following communication from Eco-Schools:
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at The High School Leckhampton have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
It’s very impressive that you have formed such a large Eco-Committee. It shows that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and committed to being active and creating positive change. This knowledge and attitude has provided your school with excellent foundations for the many successes that you’ve achieved this year.
It’s also wonderful to hear that the student, in the quote provided, has maintained their involvement in the Eco-Committee since their primary school days, and has continued to do so throughout their secondary school experience. Their dedication to the cause is truly inspiring and surely a great addition to the team.
It's brilliant to read that the Environmental Review helped your pupils appreciate everything that your school is already doing to benefit our environment and identify areas to work on in the future. We love the addition of surveying students outside the Eco-Committee to establish which environmental issues needed more awareness so that the team are able to determine the next steps according to this.
We admire your commitment, demonstrated by tackling areas where you scored lowest in the Environmental Review. This shows you have an ambitious and assured Eco-Committee, which has no doubt inspired others with their work.
It’s great to see you are able to acknowledge your limits and it’s understandable to feel concerned about the current limitations, but it’s important to remember that these can always be revisited at a later stage. Sometimes it is the smallest of efforts that ignite the biggest changes, such as ditching the plastic bottles or cling film and finding suitable alternatives. By focusing on contributing towards future goals, we can ensure that progress will no doubt be made and is just a matter of time!
It’s clear that you have embedded environmental issues into your curriculum with great enthusiasm and these issues are being used to enrich learning in your school, whilst engaging young people in important issues. We also think it’s great that you set a task for the new Year 7s – this is a fantastic initiative to show that you are a school that cares about environmental issues and take it seriously.
You have worked with a variety of different individuals and organisations, relying on their expertise and passion to enrich and inform your Eco-Schools journey. No doubt this was a mutually beneficial experience for all, as these individuals and organisations must have also been inspired by your dedicated Eco-Committee.
We love your collaborative approach to creating an Eco-Code, this approach has allowed young people to take ownership and create a final code that will be treasured by everyone at your school. All entries were superb, well done to all involved.
Thank you so much for submitting such a terrific application. We have loved reading about your journey and are incredibly impressed by all you have achieved. We have no hesitation in awarding you an Eco-Schools Green Flag - congratulations!'
Miss Kennedy would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our Eco-Schools work this year, and looks forward to flying our Eco-Schools flag with pride on our flagpole once it is delivered.