The High School Leckhampton The High School Leckhampton

World Mental Health Day - Thursday 10th October

On World Mental Health Day, our Heads of House organised for students to come and contribute to our HSL Talking Clock.

Time is a continuous flow, it's what we choose to do with our time (supporting and talking with each other) that makes all the difference. We will create this mural as a symbol and a reminder that there is never a wrong moment to start a conversation; every moment in time offers a chance to connect and talk. 

To contribute, we asked students to write a short message on their house-coloured piece of paper which was placed under 1 of the 12 number headings displayed on the clock's face. The aim was to create a colourful display by coming together as houses and the whole school community. 

Key Messages for the Clock Face (Numbers represent a word)

1. Listen – Emphasises the value of truly hearing what someone is saying, without judgement or interruption.

2. Empathy – Encourages stepping into someone else’s shoes to understand their feelings and experiences.

3. Share – Reminds people that opening up and sharing thoughts or emotions is a crucial step in improving mental health.

4. Hope – A message that represents optimism and the positive outcomes that can come from talking through problems.

5. Support – Highlights the importance of providing emotional and practical support to others.

6. Trust – Indicates the foundation of any meaningful conversation, creating a safe space where people feel secure in expressing themselves.

7. Care – Suggests that taking the time to show you care about someone can make a world of difference in their mental well-being.

8. Patience – Reflects that healing and understanding take time, and not every conversation will provide immediate relief, but patience is key.

9. Connection – A word that emphasises the human need for relationships and social bonds, which are critical to mental health.

10. Understanding – Represents the goal of many conversations: to gain a better understanding of ourselves and each other.

11. Courage – Talking about mental health takes bravery, both in sharing one’s struggles and in being there for someone else.

12. Growth – Reflects the personal and communal growth that can come from conversations focused on mental health.