The High School Leckhampton The High School Leckhampton

Special Educational Needs

At the High School Leckhampton we have an ambitious vision that fully embraces the inclusive and aspirational philosophy of The Trust. We are fully committed to creating an exceptional school with a culture of high expectations and academic excellence, where all pupils are inspired to become curious, confident, socially attuned, independent thinkers who go on to be happy and successful in 21st century society. Our aims are driven by a strong resolve to secure the best educational outcomes for all our pupils, with an unrelenting focus on teaching and learning and commitment to continuous improvement. Our ethos and values are underpinned by a belief that every child should enjoy school and make superb progress, regardless of their starting point. We are committed to ensuring that pupils’ experience of school is happy and safe, that they develop healthy and positive relationships with their peers and go on to achieve fulfilment in later life. These values are nowhere more true than in our approach to pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, for whom provision is a matter for the whole school.


Mr Matthews is our named Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo). 

The department also employs Teaching Assistants (TAs). 


The Individual Learning Department aims to support students who are experiencing difficulties in the following areas: cognition and learning; communication and interaction; social, emotional, mental health difficulties and sensory and/or physical difficulties. As well as giving direct support to pupils, we liaise closely with staff across the curriculum, giving and receiving advice on pupils' needs. Pupils will be assessed by the department for exam access arrangements where appropriate. 


The Individual Learning Department, known as ‘The Hive’ is housed in a designated area within our school building. It comprises of: 

  • 2 teaching rooms suitable for small groups. These are equipped with a data projector and screen, and computer access. 
  • 1 office
  • 2 small intervention rooms 
  • A sensory room 
  • A physiotherapy room
  • A storage area 

Transition and Monitoring 

In the summer term, prior to secondary transfer, contact is made with all feeder schools. Parents of children on the SEND register are invited to meet Mr Matthews or one of his team to discuss provision. Subject teachers are briefed with details of pupil needs through the SEND register and a 'Pupil Passport' that gives a profile of the pupil's strengths and needs, and directs strategies for teachers to use in the classroom. On entry to the school pupils have their literacy skills assessed and a graduated approach of action and provision is implemented. All pupils at the level of SEN Support or EHCP will have a Pupil Passport. Their progress will be monitored across the curriculum and reviews will be held at least three times a year. Parents are invited to contact the department at any time if they have concerns about their child's progress. 

For more detail, please see the school’s SEND Inclusion Policy &SEND Information Report (below)