Time capsule launch

We are delighted to be able to share with you details of a new and exciting project for our school.
This ‘teaser trailer’ was shown during assembly and officially launched the Time Capsule Project, which will give all members of our school community the opportunity to ‘freeze time’; to provide those who open the capsule in 50 years’ time with a snapshot of life in Leckhampton in 2022. Over the course of the next few months students will take part in a variety of activities both in addition to and through their day-to-day curriculum, all linked to filling the time capsule.
The programme of activities starts with some special visitors to the school, when a team from Kier will be working directly with the students on a design for the capsule itself, encouraging the use of materials involved in the building of the school itself. A competition, open to all students, will follow.
We look forward to updating you with news of the Time Capsule Project over the next few months.