The High School Leckhampton The High School Leckhampton

Rights Respecting School Award

Since the school opened in September 2021 we have been a Rights Respecting School. This Unicef initiative encourages schools to put the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of its ethos and curriculum. Within the first six months we received our Bronze Award, and a year later, in February 2023, we were delighted to achieve Silver. In April 2024, we were accredited with the Gold Award.


What does this mean for our school?

Despite achieving our Gold Award, we will continue to develop our students’ understanding of the rights they have as a young person, using the UNCRC as our key resource. They know that children’s rights are inalienable, that they don’t have to be earnt and they cannot be taken away. They learn how our school and local and national organisations uphold their rights and study global examples related to rights. They learn that rights are universally important and they understand the consequences when rights are not upheld.

Students learn about rights in a variety of ways: through tutor-led activities and assemblies, in lessons and through activities such as the Christmas foodbank collection. Students are encourage to identify opportunities to talk about rights and to consider action that can be taken to ensure that children’s rights are upheld.

The Award also provides opportunities for students to lead; the student-led steering group plays an active role in embedding the principles of the Award across the school. They lead assemblies, plan events and activities and organise charitable collections. These students are proud of the important role they have in our Award journey.

For more information about the Rights Respecting School Award please click here

If you would like to find out more about the Award at the High School Leckhampton please contact the RRSA Co-ordinator, Mrs Cox