Our Staff
The Senior Leadership Team:
The Senior Leadership Team:
Mrs H Wood Headteacher & Teacher of History
Mrs A O’Riordan Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) & Teacher of English
Mr C Newman Senior Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum; Teaching & Learning & Behaviour) & Curriculum Lead for Geography
Mrs A Cox Assistant Headteacher (Community, Enrichment & Personal Development) & Curriculum Lead for Humanities.
Lead Teacher of Rights Respecting Award
Mr S Matthews Assistant Headteacher (SENDCo) & Teacher of Religious Education
Mrs I Simms Assistant Headteacher (Staff Development) & Curriculum Lead for English & Literacy
Mrs R Vaughan Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion) & Curriculum Lead for Physical Education (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Curriculum Leaders and Teachers:
Mrs V Bull Head of Windrush House (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) & Teacher of Geography
Mr M Bunting Curriculum Lead for Music
Dr P Clarke Curriculum Lead for MFL
Ms L Claydon Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Mr G Collins Head of Lilley Brook House (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) & Teacher of Physical Education
Miss O Davies Teacher of English
Mr P Doherty Lead Teacher of Computer Science
Mrs J Edwards Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs G Elliott-Squire Teacher of Art and Design Technology
Miss K Hancock Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs A Heron Teacher of Design Technology & Art
Mrs H Holland Lead Teacher of Religious Education
Mrs L Joice Teacher of Art & Design Technology
Mrs L Jones Curriculum Lead for Maths & Numeracy
Miss K Kennedy Curriculum Lead for Science & Lead Teacher of Eco-Schools Award
Miss J Leyland Teacher of Science
Mrs G McAlpine Curriculum Lead for Art & Design Technology; Teacher in charge of E-learning
Ms K Nelmes Head of Chelt House (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) & Teacher of History
Mrs K O'Donovan Teacher of Art
Miss C Orsler Teacher of Mathematics
Ms L Pike Head of Isbourne House (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) & Teacher of Physical Education
Mr M Powell-Jones Pastoral Lead Teacher (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) & Teacher of Physical Education & Geography
Mr L Price Teacher of English
Mr A Talbot Teacher of Science
Mr G Taylor Teacher of Science & Mathematics
Mrs S Williams 2nd in Mathematics
Miss T Winters Curriculum Lead for Drama & Teacher of English
Mrs L Wright Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
Teaching Assistants
Mrs A Agombar
Mrs E-C Banton
Mrs H Claridge & Teacher of Literacy
Mrs S Diaz Rodriguez
Mrs P Fletcher
Mrs S Hale
Mrs F Hayes
Mrs S Hope
Mrs H Horne
Mrs M Smith
Mrs J Sweeting
Mrs J Tustin
Mrs M Valente
Support staff
Mrs S Avron Receptionist & Administrative Assistant
Mr A Champion Site Manager
Ms N Chapman Science Technician
Mrs J Dean D&T Technician
Mr R Gill Learning Supervisor and PE Assistant
Mr W Grant Operations Manager
Mrs N Harrington Headteacher’s PA; Administrative Manager and Admissions
Miss S Hawkins Admin Assistant
Mrs C Hemans Receptionist, Attendance Officer, and Administrator
Mrs R Heppenstall Examinations Officer
Mrs J Hopcraft Receptionist, Attendance Officer, and Administrator
Mrs J Lewis Independent Careers advisor
Mr D Lockyer Senior IT Technician
Mrs T McKenzie Assistant SENDCo
Mr R Smith Site Assistant
Mrs N Wallace Food Technician
Mrs R Waters Education Welfare Officer